Don’t Reject You, Part 3

Psychologically, one of the biggest fears a lot of people have, and carry, is a fear of rejection. But as I mentioned in yesterday’s post, when we allow the fear of rejection to cloud the message we receive, we inadvertently end up rejecting those around us. Even when we don’t mean to!

We miss the right message, because we are too focussed on the wrong one.

But if we fully recognised the right message about who we are, then the fear of rejection no longer has such a strong influence over how we see ourself, or how we think we ought to behave.

The ultimate way to beat the fear of rejection, is in knowing that we have never been rejected by One Man. Jesus. When we recognise we are accepted by Him, for every aspect of who we are, including those parts others have rejected in the past, it releases us from fear. Perfect love, after all, has no cause for fear.

I am a work in progress. Having dealt with the rejection of a failed marriage, it can very easily cloud how I perceive future relationships could go. But God is working in me, to change the message I thought about myself, and is bringing it back round to correlate with who He says I am.

And this is the final message for you.

I don’t know what kind of rejection you have experienced, in love, in life, in relationships. But I do know you are not defined by that. I do know that remaining authentic to who you are, as a Christian, means remaining authentic to who God says you are. This, my dear friend, is what will allow you to kick back that fear of rejection. And, it will allow you to learn to accept yourself, rather than reject yourself,

You are not defined by what people rej do about you. We are all fickle. We change our minds all the time. But God – He is constant. And He has chosen to accept you, in spite of your rejection of Him.

Don’t reject who you are, but don’t reject God’s declation of who you are either!

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