My Book – Ready or Not

I used to work for a Church in London, City Gates Christian Centre, Ilford, in the office. During my time there, we had a Christian Bookshop right in the heart of the town. I was in there one afternoon, and suddenly had a vision of a book while I was looking under the “new release” shelves.

In the vision, I saw a book on one of the shelves, with my name on the cover.

In 2012, that vision became a reality!!! Praise God!!

Ready or Not - Front Cover CMYKAfter a year of studying and researching, Ready or Not – He is Coming was born! I was blessed when the second publisher I approached, Glory to Glory Publications, agreed to publish it. Thank you Peter!!

Since then, my first book has been reprinted four times, and about to go through another, I’ve had speaking opportunities, both at my Church J28, South Normanton, and as the Youth Coordinator of CMJ UK, to share on the content of the book, and teaching engagements on subsequent articles and messages.

If I was to sum up Ready or Not – He is Coming, in one sentence, it would be this:

To fully understand the future return of Jesus, we need to explore the past He encountered.

Jesus spoke of Himself as the Bridegroom Who will one day return for His Bride; but who is the Bride of Jesus and what can we learn from the first century Israel wedding traditions of marriage Jesus would have witnessed and, on some level, experienced as a Jewish man?

To read a review of Ready or Not – He is Coming, click here to visit the Prophecy Today UK website.

If you have read my book, Ready or Not – He is Coming, please let me know what you thought. I am blessed to know God is using it to inspire and encourage the Bride to understand our role as we await the return of our Bridegroom, Yeshua.

And, yes….I do have more books on the laptop in progress. May the Lord grant me the time I need to complete the writing of them.

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