About The Blog

I was talking to a friend over coffee after work and this literally dropped into my spirit.  Heels!

I kid you not!! God seriously knows how I tick!

Ok, let me break it down for you!

Earlier in the day, a different friend was messaging me his notes from a blogging seminar he was attending, and I was like, “Oh my days, I so need to do another blog!” (As you do!) that’s how inspirational it was! He sent me the link to her blog site (poutinginheels, and in the title was the word “heels”. No biggie.

So when I met with my coffee friend, she was telling me about a speaker she’d gone to hear over the weekend, and had bought her book, with the word “heels” in the title. Cool! It immediately reminded me of another book I have title envy over (is there such a thing?!) sitting on my bookshelf. You’ll never guess what word is in the title of that book too???

So here I was, the “Shoe Queen” of East Derbyshire, and three times, God had confirmed heels are most definitely the way forward! You soooo have to try them… Don’t give me that whole, “I look like a baby giraffe trying to walk”!

Ok… So this is not another “shoe style” fashion blog, because there’s a little more to me than that! As passionate as I am about strutting my stuff in whichever heels I most recently bought, I am also passionate about seeing people like you being all God has designed you to be.

So I hope you feel inspired along the way, either to wear heels, or to walk tall in your God-given purpose, I really don’t mind!

And if you’ve never tried it, I guarantee….. You can’t slouch in heels!

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