Are you too busy for God?

As the UK emerges from lockdown, I believe there is a clear message for many of us, around not becoming too busy for God, as we had been before March 23rd. It’s a simple message to hear, but potentially challenging one to implement. And it’s this:


If you read my previous post, you’ll understand why I believe God is telling us we need to make room, based on the possibility He decreed this year to be a Shabbat Year. Because, if we’re honest, in making ourselves so busy, we ended up pushing Him out of our daily lives.

So, I believe there are three clear messages for three types of people who are in a relationship with Jesus. Where you fit, if you fit, is in your own personal reflection:

    1. To those who found other ways to handle your lockdown, and it didn’t include God, He says, “I created the space for you, but you filled it with other stuff. YOU NEED TO MAKE ROOM – clear out the junk. I can’t move in your life because you’ve crammed it with all this other stuff, and it’s in My way.
    2. There are others to whom God is saying, “I was hoping we could have used this time to reconnect. But you found other means to connect with the people you preferred to connect with. YOU NEED TO MAKE ROOM for me in your heart, as well as your day.”
    3. To those who are afraid and uncertain, God says, “I can see you have a lot going on, and you’re trying to handle it all… without Me. I want to help you. I want to guide you and give you the reassurance you seek, but, YOU NEED TO MAKE ROOM for me in your mind, as well as in your heart and in your day.”


Who is God…

Who is God?

To some people, He is nobody.
To others, He is this elusive Being Who is judgemental, controlling, angry and oppressive.
To some He is distant, and not really bothered about what happens to you.
To others He is the One who holds life in His hands…both the good and the bad.
To others He is this floaty, cloudy, Santa Claus who will make everything perfect…if only we had enough faith.
To some, He is there for others but not for them because they’re not good enough.
To others, He is a killjoy who doesn’t want you to enjoy life, at all.
I can go on….

How people form their understanding of God, is based less on Who He really is, and more on the perceptions formed of Him, according to the actions and behaviour of those who allegedly represent Him.

  • For someone who was abandoned by their father, trying to relate to a God Who is like a father, who cares like a parent, and all we imagine a parent to be, this doesn’t relate. So God becomes distant.
  • For someone who feels rejected by parents, family, friends for whatever reason – whether real or perceived – God is just another person Who will potentially reject you, if you don’t live up to expectations.
  • For someone who has been in any kind of abusive, controlling relationship, God becomes this controlling being who will torment you, play games with you and generally not mean what He says.
  • For someone whose marriage wasn’t what they expected, for whatever reason, trying to relate to God as like the lover of the soul, the “husband” who will never leave or forsake you, becomes another distant fairytale.

You get the picture, right? We try to understand an incomprehensible God, based on the people we know, have come into contact with, or experienced. We try to understand God according the limitations of our humanity, and box Him in by what we think we know.

So who is God?

While it is true Christians are supposed to be “Ambassadors for Christ”, are supposedly “being transformed into the likeness of Jesus”, and are “made in His image”, more often than not, even we Christians are not good representations of Him. Sometimes, we get it wrong. Sometimes, we understand God wrong ourselves. Sometimes, we don’t even know Who He is and have our own agenda. Sometimes, we like the idea of the God who makes dreams come true, so we lie about life, in order to present Him in a “better” light. Sometimes, we don’t care if we really represent Him or not, as long as we make ourselves look good.

I’ve been in church for over 40 years. Been around “Christians” for over 40 years. I’ve met many who have inspired me to become an even better version of myself, because of the depth of the relationship they have with Jesus. But…I have also met wolves in sheep’s clothing. Those people who are in the church, but not of the church. Some with titles, some without titles. Some of whom have given me a “check in my spirit” immediately. Some for whom the “red warning flags” weren’t as visible – or maybe I just didn’t want to see them.

But…. Who is God?

He is not Who we sometimes portray Him to be.

His nature, His character, Who He is – this is all revealed in the Scriptures….. and yes, I do mean the Old Testament as well as the New. God isn’t some vengeful, angry controlling being in the first part of the story. Who He is becomes clear when we understand Him from His Word first, and from others second. Like Jesus said, “You have seen Me, you have seen the Father.” (John 14:9)

It is this which then allows the Holy Spirit to bring a “check in your spirit” when someone tries to present God in a particular way, and it doesn’t “sit right”….because it isn’t right if it goes against what you really know of Who He is according to the Scriptures. The Bible tells us to “test everything” (1 Thessalonians 5:21).

We’re living in the end times. Of this there is no doubt. So when people start saying, “God is here.” or, “God is there.” or, “We can only be in a certain place, if we expect God to show up.” remember this:

“If anyone tells you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah,’ or, ‘There He is,’ don’t believe it. For false messiahs, and false prophets will rise up….so as to deceive….even God’s chosen ones.” (Matthew 24:23-24)

While I was reflecting on Who God is, this is what I was asked, and I will leave it with you, at the beginning of a New Year:
“Who is God? Who do YOU say that I AM?”

New Chapter

Every once in a while, you find yourself at the beginning of a new day, which you know is actually the beginning of a new chapter. It is those days when you know you’ve stepped out of what was, and are stepping into what is yet to be.

For me, about to start my new job properly full time, this is that day. A new chapter to commit to God. A new chapter to learn new things about myself. A new chapter to find out what I am capable of. Yesterday I woke up in a different country, as I hit the pause button between chapters on a week’s holiday . Now I’m home and ready to watch how God unfolds this next season.

Here’s to new beginnings.
Here’s to the scary, joyful challenge of a new chapter!

Here’s to living this one life maxed out!!!

Unwarranted Forgiveness

Forgiveness. An aspect of human nature which can be easily demanded, harder to be implemented. Especially when someone has done something, or said something and they don’t even realise the effect it’s had on you. 

A flippant comment,

A judgemental word,

A word that cuts deep into your heart,

A message which threatens to steal your peace,

A conversation which lacks understanding.

It is in these moments when forgiveness needs to be extended, way beyond our human comprehension of what forgiveness is, and touching the true forgiveness we receive through Jesus, “while we were yet still sinners”. Even before we knew we needed forgiveness to be given to us, Jesus gave it. 

So don’t hang on to something someone said to you flippantly. They have already discarded the conversation from their memory. Unless you challenged them there and then, they won’t even realise they have hurt you, caused you pain, or hit that place God is ministering to.

Some might argue, “That’s because God is working through them to minister in you.” Sure, sometimes that happens. But my God isn’t One Who intentially causes pain or hurt. He is a God Who heals. 

Having someone pressing on a bruise isn’t God’s way to bring healing. 

Having someone negatively remind you of what you’ve had to carry, isn’t God’s way to bring healing. 

Causing you to feel condemned or judged isn’t God’s way to bring healing. 

If you are needing to be challenged in an area of life you refuse to deal with or are clinging to, is different to living with something to which there seems no end. Faith rises way beyond the situation you are in. Hiding from your pain, and working through your pain are both reactions to your situation. But if you are hiding, expect God to walk through the garden of your life asking, “My child. Where are you?” Because He wants to restore, He wants to revive, He wants to heal. He doesn’t want you to hide away from the burden, the pain or the heartache. He wants you to feel the fear, or feel the pain, and trust Him anyway. Have faith in Him anyway. 

No one can understand the journey you’re on, but God.

No one has the healing you desire, but God.

No one can really say the right thing at the right time….except for God.

So if someone says something out of their ignorance of your pain, don’t hold unforgiveness against them. Forgive and let God do what He needs to do in the middle of it all. This is unwarranted forgiveness. This is the very nature of Who God is, in Whose image we are made.

Time To De-Clutter

I’m reading a lot at the moment about “de-cluttering” your life, and it’s not even by choice! Whether it’s through the challenge of a friend, in books I currently seem to be drawn to, and random articles in magazines…. do you ever feel like God is trying to tell you something?!

My dad, who I kinda take after to an extent, is a bit of a hoarder. By a bit – I mean a total! I’ve not reached the same level as him, and as competitive as I am – I will never try to! But last year, when I emptied all I had into boxes – things I wanted to keep and things I wanted to get rid of, it was quite a liberating experience. I realised some of what I was boxing up to throw, weren’t as important to me as I’d once thought.
I’ll be glad to get into my new place, and empty out the boxes I still have taped up from last year, while I lived in the TP. It begs the question though: If I’ve not brought it out of the box for over six months – do I really need it???

De-cluttering is not just about sorting through the physical stuff our lofts, spare rooms, and cupboards are filled with. De-cluttering is about getting rid of the stuff which is grabbing our attention, filling our mind-space, and holding our emotions to ransom. This is all part of the journey I am on. Working out what are real priorities. What really belongs in my future? What do I really need to give my time and attention to? 

Hopefully as I make steps to rebuilding my life, I’ll make strides towards de-cluttering in every sense of the phrase, and take back control of my life! 

Number 1 Lesson For Surviving Life

Number 1 Lesson For Surviving Life:

Now, having reached the grand age of 40, I’ve learned some very important lessons along the way. But the number 1 lesson for today?

Do not, under any circumstances, allow anyone else to define you, only let the Holy Spirit refine you.

This is my number 1 lesson for not only surviving life, but for also enjoying life.

Let me explain.

I used to be really shy growing up. It came from growing up in a family which moved, on average, every three years. Sometimes we moved to a different area within the same locality, but otherwise it was a move around the British Isles.

This made it difficult to feel connected to people, and forging long-lasting friendships which were safe and could naturally develop, was nigh on impossible. I ended up having quite a few pen pals though – which clearly helped my love of writing!

The main issue is that as we moved from one town to another, I tried to fit in with anyone who would invite me into their friendship circle. This ranged from one group of friends who could be classed as “Mean Girls” in Gateshead, to another group who would be the somewhat vacuous “It Girls” of Barry, or there was the “goth/hippy” phase with my Best Pal (BP) in the Midlands, ohhhh and “Bible Basher” in pretty much everywhere!

IMG_6145When we’re young, we want to feel acceptable, and be accepted. So we do what we need to do to try and fit in. It’s when we’re unable to formulate a firm idea of who we are, that we can be easily led astray, because we try to adjust who we are to fit in with who we’re with. In other words, we allow others to define us.

I am glad that actually, I didn’t get caught up in the “wrong crowd” which could have happened so easily. Being an awkward, shy, quiet (I KNOW!!! Difficult to imagine!!!), Church girl meant I was on the fringes of many groups who felt I was not “one of them”.

This gave me the freedom to be me, instead of trying to conform, and for that, I am grateful! Pros and cons of being in a family that moves a lot!

By allowing others to define us, we end up giving them the authority to control our lives, and the direction we go in. Which means we could potentially end up being no one when we’re apart from those we allow to define us. And when they move on, we stand in the dark with our hands up saying, “but what about me?!”
You define you.

And with the Holy Spirit, you become a richer, more fruitful version of you, flourishing and empowered in whatever you do. Why? Because you know who you are, where you’re going and your own mind.

Don’t follow someone around like a shadow. Know who you are. Ask God to reveal the hidden person within you, and grow into that person. Step out of the shadow, walk in the light, and be proud of who you will become.

Because…. you – the real you – are awesome!

Ladies What Lunch

IMG_7954I have just had the honour of speaking to a beautiful group of women at Mansfield Calvary Chapel, at their Spring Afternoon Tea. Complete with the cutest China teacups and plates! And #GlutenFree food for me.

It never ceases to amaze me how God finds me, in my cutest heels, and manages to speak from His heart into the hearts of those I am sharing with. Having been away exhibiting at AOG and Elim leaders’ conferences didn’t leave much preparation time…no where near as much as I would normally like to do. And yet, the notes I had prepared weren’t really referred to anyway, as the Lord ministered in spite of the time pressures of my life!

Not that I particularly like working that way….control freak that I am!

There’s just something about knowing that you are being used as a vessel to minister, inspire, encourage, restore, help or touch someone right in the place they need it most.

But it’s not just about someone standing on stage, delivering a talk or a message – it’s about you, whoever you are, being available to be authentic and open about who you really are. In a world which is fascinated by the outward appearances of people they want to be like, break the mold! Be different! Let YOU shine out in the darkest places. Even if you are walking through your own darkness.

It is through our authenticity, the world can actually see the light, recognise the hope we cling to, and feel there is something about that inner strength which allows you to get out of bed each morning. You can be that person anywhere, at anytime. You don’t need an invitation to speak – or if you do, consider this to be your invitation:

All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy! God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us. 2 Corinthians‬ ‭1:3-5‬ ‭MSG‬‬

So don’t hold back. And don’t be afraid to be different. Rock up in those heels in a world of grey suits, and SHINE BRIGHTLY, as someone who is reflecting the Son!

Warrior In Heels

Some warriors wear heels

I first saw the above quote on a T-shirt design by Amy Grant about a year ago. I don’t know if it’s specifically her quote, but after making multiple (unsuccessful) attempts to buy one, I thought the next best thing was to create design I can admire. Not because I think I’m a great designer – I do ok! 

But because I can proudly say, 

This warrior wears heels!

I feel like I have undergone an intense season of training for the last…..20 years or so! I am constantly learning what it means to “fight the good fight” with the Lord by my side. 

I’ll be straight with you, there are times when I’ve kicked off my heels and gone in fighting, or run in the opposite direction, and there have been times I’ve refused to move, just in case it damages my heels! This is all literal of course. I have been known to wear flats now and again!

But overall, the battle waged against us is not for the faint-hearted. But thankfully, neither is it ours to fight. Especially not to fight alone!

This is what the Lord says: Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s. 

2 Chronicles 20:15

Isn’t that like the best news ever!

When it feels like everything is out to get you, or that every man and his dog is against you, know this one thing – with God by your side, you are more than a conqueror! 

I have experienced this in my own life, so know it to be the absolute truth.

A warrior, by definition, is someone who is EXPERIENCED in warfare! You can’t be a warrior without having experienced the battle. And stood firm. A warrior shows great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness (replace with assertive if you feel weird about that word for Christian women!), and they will not be backed into a corner or beaten to the floor. Again, this comes from experience and knowing where your strengths are.

It also comes from recognising where your weaknesses are, and finding others to be the strength at those points of weakness. God is ultimately our strength, but He brings people around us to lift us up when we feel like we can’t do it anymore. Who will sing back the song of our hearts when we have fallen silent. Who will put shoes on our feet and get us moving again when we just want to kick them off and stop. 

So, whether you’re in heels, trainers, flats or (shudder) flip flops…. if you are a warrior, don’t let the battle overtake you. Plant your feet, hold your position, and fight like you already know you have won the battle! 

Don’t slouch in those heels! You are victorious! We are victorious!

From Brokenness Comes Beauty

FROM BROKENNESS COMES BEAUTY: I was recently in conversation with someone I had randomly met, when God gave me a clear revelation of what He was doing in my life. For I have realised that after the brokenness comes beauty.

About seven or eight months ago, I wrote about how it felt as though I was sitting among broken glass, sifting through which pieces were worth saving and which pieces were to be left behind.

When you’re staring at the broken remains of your life, you wonder how on earth God can bring anything out of it.

But, none of us are a lost cause, otherwise Jesus’ death and resurrection is rendered worthless.

imageOne of the biggest home “interior design” styles of the moment, is for broken glass which has been reformed into something beautiful. Random pieces. Random colours. Brought together by a creative mind who can see how the pieces fit together.

God is like that – with my life, anyway! He has taken the pieces I thought I wanted to hold onto and He will do with them as He sees fit. He is also re-working other pieces I wasn’t aware of. And bringing in pieces from elsewhere to bring a sense of beauty from the brokenness.

The Creator is at work, and like a glass candle holder, I hope that when the Light shines through me, it will really be something of beauty in spite of the brokenness I had experienced. And the brokenness needs to be there in order for the light to shine through and display the beauty of God’s creativity in my life. An imperfect balance of beauty and brokenness providing the space for the perfection of Jesus’ restorative power to be at work in me!

Prelude To Life

The last 40 years have officially been a prelude to life, because life begins at 40. Apparently. Does that mean from 0-39 years we’re not fully living, but learning and preparing for life after 40? Should we be more aware of that when we’re in our 20s??? Where does the phrase, “Life begins at 40” even come from!

If someone had literally travelled from the past into their future, my present, they would literally have coined the phrase just from my experiences alone!!! Last year was a pulling down kind of a year, the last few years have been incredibly tough, challenging and – at times – crushing. But last year was definitely the worst as everything came to a grinding, crashing halt. Well – maybe not everything… Drama Queen! But some of the key areas of life; key things I thought would be securely in place by the time I reached this age.

So trust me when I say that I am standing in the first week of my 40s declaring to God, “You know this whole new life begins at 40 thing? I am so ready!”

I am ready for a new life to be worked out and walked in. I am ready for the future hope and promises of God to be seen in my life. I am ready to walk in the confidence and assurance of the Lord who knows where He is leading me.

I am ready to shake the dust of the past off my feet, and put on the new shoes which will take me to where I am going. I don’t know all the details of the route, and while there are going to be moments I think I am in the drivers seat, ha! God is truly in the drivers seat – I’m a passenger who occasionally gets to steer the vehicle!

40s – what have you got for me? Because I am ready to rebuild!